Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Cornerstone Wrap Up #1

Wow there's a ton of stuff to catch up on in the wake of Cornerstone 2005. I'm going to have to break this up into multiple posts.

Let's start with

Blobjects by timman

Saying good-bye to our Cornerstone neighbors Group Photo
Pray that we break even a Glenn Kaiser Pic
how can they make it work? Thoughts on how Conerstone functions.
I'm a Stoner! a pic of a great shirt.

From Tim's wrap up post
Sometimes the merger of an especially long Bible verse on a t-shirt which is overly stretched and forced to follow abundantly curved surfaces can get one slapped.
Slapped by who Tim? A must read.

Speaking of Glenn Kaiser, he hasn't posted since before the fest, but I did hear him talk about GUITAR-AID at the fest.

More to come...

- Peace


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